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HTAWA Online Calendar

UPDATE on PL for Ancient History from 20th June to Thursday 18th July 


Humblest of apologies for the technical issues on the previous date. 
We are presenting this session on Thursday 18th July at the same time. 
Register at the link on the PL below for the Zoom link. 

Ancient History Teacher Support Professional Learning Sessions

ATAR and General

Do you want to teach Ancient History in upper school? Have you been (or are you going to be) thrown into teaching upper school Ancient History and need a life raft? Do you want to know more about teaching Ancient History to Year 7 and need some ideas?  Whether you are a Pre Service Teacher, a Grad or an you’ve been teaching for years, THIS IS THE ANCIENT HISTORY PL FOR YOU.

A combination of online popup PL’s and face to face workshops and presentations will be run this year to support ALL teachers of Ancient History. 

COST: FREE TASTER for the first session. After that: Whole series $40 members $60 non-members. 

Certification of completion (aligned to AITSL standards) of the series of PL’s will be provided for participants. 

Term 2 

Week 8 (6/6/24): content and resources 

Week 10 (20/6/24): skills and resources to teach these.     

Term 3 

Week 4 (8/7/24) content and resources

Week 9 (12/9/24) skills and resources to teach these.   

Week 6  (24/8/24) Lectures at UWA with presentations from UWA Ancient History lecturers, visiting Archaeologists and WA Museum Specialists. 

Term 4 

Week 4 (31/10/24) content and resources

week 8 (28/11/24) programming and resources to teach with.    

Register here for Session 1 - Free to all

Register here for the Whole Series

Crisis and Response - The National Challenge

A morning for primary and secondary teachers interested in implementing the National History Challenge this year (or in the future).

The session will include a seminar on this year’s theme ‘Crisis and Response’, and workshops on teaching primary, lower senior, and upper senior historical inquiry skills.

This is a great learning experience for all history teachers, you don't have to be doing the National History Challenge to benefit.

We will be joined by Neil O'Sullivan, Senior Lecturer from UWA, who will discuss the response of the Roman statesman Cicero to the death of his daughter Tullia. Cicero is one of the most important men in world history, given his prominence in Rome in the last days of the Republic and his voluminous writings which went on to have enormous influence on later times. These writings contain hundreds of personal letters which give us a unique insight into his intellectual and emotional life — indeed it has been truly said that we know more about him than any other person from the ancient world. His reaction to the death of his only daughter and favourite child, shortly after she gave birth, can be traced in his own correspondence and in other ancient documents.

Watch it on Demand Here

History online Pop-Up sessions

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